Thailand - Part 1

by - Wednesday, February 12, 2014

It's been two weeks since I landed in Thailand and I feel like I owe everyone at home an update as, until now, Instagram has been the only place I check in.

Getting There

Long story short, it was exhausting and at some point I lost a day.

Bangkok  – Day 1 to Day 5

Not knowing my way around my camera* made me a little self conscious about pulling it out and so my first day out exploring was unfortunately not documented in photos. That said, here's a set from my second day:

Fuji X-M1 | 1/250 | F5.6 | iso400

Fuji X-M1 | 1/180 | F5 | iso400
Anyone have a teacup? – Fuji X-M1 | 1/300 | F4 | iso400

Yes, it is alive, okay? – Fuji X-M1 | 1/300 | F4 | iso400

Bangkok is an amazing city, but it's a city for people who like to live life in the fast lane. The very fast lane. Without rules.
I left shortly after arriving for Krabi, where I caught a boat out to Phi Phi Don.

Phi Phi – Day 6 to Day 10

Phi Phi to most is a non-stop backpacker's party with fire shows, buckets of booze, bars, stores that stay open through the night, and hundreds of young people wearing really unattractive, albeit comfortable, pants.
Having neglected to book accomadation ahead of time I found myself in a small hut surrounded by flyers for dozens of rooms, being told, "No hostel! All full! No hostel!"
With the cheapest rooms starting at 1200 baht the beach was starting to look like a good place to spend the night, then I turned around, met three British girls in the same situation, and everything magically worked itself out.

Waiting for food – Fuji X-M1 | 1/30 | f5.6 | iso500

Hiking up to Viewpoint 2 – Fuji X-M1 | 1/400 | F5.6 | iso400

My time on Phi Phi was wonderful, excepting the day I spent creating rainbows after getting food poisoning (note: don't eat at the seafood place with all the pretty lights on the main beach).

After a few days on Phi Phi I headed over to Phuket Town, to a backpacker hostel there.

Phuket – Day 11 - Day 15

As Phuket Town didn't exactly have an easily accessible beach I moved after a couple of days to a hostel in Patong where I won the lottery for best hostel bed ever.
Room with a view, Patong Backpacker – iPhone

Lanterns on the beach – Fuji X-M1 | 1/4 | F3.5 | iso3200
Out on the beach with a couple of friends on my last night in Patong, we splurged and let a lantern go for luck.

Earlier today I found myself on a ferry headed to Phi Phi, so for now I'm back to island life.

Phi Phi Don – Fuji X-M1 | 1/100 | F5 | iso400
That's it for now! Expect more photos and fewer words as this goes on.

xoxo – EmmaSkye

*Note: The camera data is added for those curious about it.

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